Every Monday and Thursday, Fable from Turning Point will be here during Afterschool Drop in hours to support anyone who wants to discuss substance abuse
Every Tuesday, Elio Farley, a community volunteer, will run Queer Group from 4 to 5:30. Queer group is for any queer, questioning or allied teen.

Mark your calendars, save the date, buy your rainbow swag.
Do all the things because it’s back and we’re hoping to be bigger AND better! Stay tuned for more details.

Field Trip: Franklin Roosevelt Home
Join us for a day of fun, friends, and learning on Monday April 22nd. Pre-registration is REQUIRED by April 11th. Teens will need to be at the Boys & Girls Club in Vergennes by 6:15 am. FREE. Email lindsey@teencentervt.org with any questions or concerns.

Murder Club
Join us Mondays during Drop In to try your hand at sleuthing, code cracking, and deductive reasoning.

Teens Vs Adults TRIVIA NIGHT
Join us on Friday March 22nd at the Marquis Cafe for a night of trivia. We’ll pit teens vs adults in a battle of wits. Nachos and drinks provided. FREE. Please email lindsey@teencentervt.org to register.

Spring Cleaning!
Calling all volunteers! Help us make our space look spiffy. We’ll provide pizza and drinks, you provide some enthusiasm and elbow grease. Help us give the TC a mini makeover!

Stitch & B*tch
Join us on Thursdays from 6-7 for a night of crafting and healthy venting.

Join us on Thursday from 4:30-6:30 for D&D. New players are always welcome.
Movie Night
We’ll have pizza and soda, stop on by and vote for the movie you want to watch.
Teen And Parent Night
Bring your favorite adult person! Parent, sibling, grandparent, friend, whoever! we’re doing board games regardless!
Craft Night
This is the night to work on independent crafts, feel free to bring any existing projects in, if you don’t have thats fine! Staff will help you figure out something to work on.

CAMP 2023: Kaleidoscope Week
Back by popular demand, we’ll be doing anything and everything fun this week. But we’re most excited about hosting our own Greatest International Scavenger Hunt!

CAMP 2023: Theater Week
Stage combat never looked so fun! Or was it the improv? Maybe making props? That’s right, it’s all of that and more during theater week!

CAMP 2023: Art Bombing Week
This week we’ll be covering the Teen Center and the town of Middlebury with as much paint, tie dye, and as many plants as possible!

CAMP 2023: Camping Week
This year we will camp at Branbury State Park to enjoy hiking, swimming, fishing, kayaking, and of course, s’mores.

This week we will learn photography basics from local artist Josh Hummel (adventurewithjosh.com). We’ll get outside, get clicking, and have an end-of-week art show.

summer drop-in
At many teens’ request, we are offering summer drop-in hours! Drop-in will always be 3-6pm, M-F, with the following exceptions: The week of July 4th, drop-in will be W-F only; During the week of July 17-21, Camping Week, there will be NO drop-in. Campers are welcome to stay for drop-in.

HUTS Week is open to anyone who has completed 9th grade and up. We’ll hike to Chittenden Brook Hut, where we will explore nature and learn some survival skills.
Email lindsey@teencentervt.org to register.
Banned Book Club
The Teen Center is teaming up with Ms. Ray’s Reading Room for an amazing banned book club featuring Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe. It starts Friday, June 9th at 6 pm. Our last meeting is June 30th. Dinner will be provided! Let Teen Center staff know you’re interested so we can make sure we have enough books. Just for teens + all identities welcome + centering our gender queer teens

Teen And Parent Murder Mystery Night
For those of you who were looking forward to our pirate themed murder mystery night, we have good news! It’s happening! Join us for an evening of shenanigans, laughs, murder, and treasure at Ilsley Library!

Movie Night
Sit back, relax, and enjoy some popcorn (and more food) with your friends! We’ll be kicking our feet up with a double feature!